Jodocil NC

Universal ensiling agent, non-corrosive to materials. Also ideal for topcoat treatment.


  • Propionic acid/sodium propionate
  • Acetic acid/sodium acetate
  • Benzoic acid /sodium benzoate
  • Glycerol


Suitable for incorporation and/or topcoat treatment.

Added value

  • Silage for moist grains and feedstuffs, grass, silage corn, alfalfa, GPS and CCM.
  • More stable pit.
  • Reduced heating of silage when exposed to air (heating inhibitor).
  • Less loss of forage value.
  • Better taste and absorption.


  • Surface treatment:
    • 0.3 l/m², mix with water if necessary to dose homogeneously over the silage.
  • Incorporation into moist grains and feeds:
    • 2 – 10 kg/ton depending on moisture content and storage time.

Product Features

  • Status: Liquid
  • Delivery unit: 25 kg cans, 200 kg drum, 1000 kg PE container (IBC) and bulk (from 10 tons)
  • Storage: cool, dry and out of the sun.
  • Shelf life: up to and including 24 months from the production date if kept in the original packaging and stored under the described storage conditions.

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